music schools in los angeles

Why is it Better to Pay Tuition Versus Paying by the Lesson?

Why is it Better to Pay Tuition Versus Paying by the Lesson?

Every class one might take or sign their kids up is going to be paid for somehow. There are some real advantages to paying for these types of services and classes by the month, versus by the lesson, for the service provider AND the student! Here is what we think:

What are the lesser known benefits of learning piano?

What are the lesser known benefits of learning piano?

Everyone knows that learning an instrument, and specifically piano, has some profound benefits and can improve a child’s academics, memory, learning retention and hand-eye coordination.

How To Stay On Top Of Your Piano Homework, by Donna Maurer

How To Stay On Top Of Your Piano Homework, by Donna Maurer

We love having guest writers contribute, so check out Donna Maurer’s newest blog titled, How to Stay on Top of your Piano Homework. She has some really great tips that can be applied to any age student! Read more to learn…..

What Qualities should a parent look for in a teacher?

What Qualities should a parent look for in a teacher?

This question is very important to me, because it should align with the things that I look for in a teacher when I’m in the process of hiring new ones, so I have plenty to say about this topic.  So I’m going to speak from a parent’s perspective as it is similar to mine.