piano teachers

How can I motivate my child to practice?

How can I motivate my child to practice?

You’ve done the hard work of finding a teacher, setting up the first lesson, signing them up for weekly lessons, getting them the books and supplies that they will need for their lessons, and gotten through the excitement that comes along with first few weeks taking music lessons.  Eventually though, as with anything in life, shiny things start to look dull.  What can you as a parent do to help motivate your student to practice if their interest starts waning?  

What are the lesser known benefits of learning piano?

What are the lesser known benefits of learning piano?

Everyone knows that learning an instrument, and specifically piano, has some profound benefits and can improve a child’s academics, memory, learning retention and hand-eye coordination.

What Qualities should a parent look for in a teacher?

What Qualities should a parent look for in a teacher?

This question is very important to me, because it should align with the things that I look for in a teacher when I’m in the process of hiring new ones, so I have plenty to say about this topic.  So I’m going to speak from a parent’s perspective as it is similar to mine. 

What Kind of Styles of Music can Students Learn?

What Kind of Styles of Music can Students Learn?

Once a student is interested in taking lessons, a common question is, what kind of styles of music can a student learn?  The short answer, is that any style is possible to learn.  The long answer is contingent on some specific things such as the level the student is at, the student’s age, their experience level, and the ability of the teacher to introduce them to the different styles.

How much should a student practice each day?

How much should a student practice each day?

This is a great question, and one that parents ask all frequently.  After all, investing in music lessons for one’s child is a serious endeavor.  Aside from the time commitment, there is a real financial expenditure involved in signing up kids for music lessons.